Pop Tab Program

Small things can make a difference.

You can help support the Ronald McDonald House by collecting the tabs from aluminum cans. Funds generated from recycling help offset the House’s expenses. Collecting pop tabs is a great program that benefits the Ronald McDonald House families and is easy to organize. Many groups such as schools, corporations, clubs, and communities participate in this program and it’s a simple way to make a big difference.

There are approximately 1,267 tabs in a pound, but the pounds quickly add up! Why Pop Tabs and not cans? Tabs can be cleaned and stored more easily than cans.

Drop Off Location

Tabs can be delivered to our House any day of the week between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Schools & Group Collections

Make your impact go further by hosting a collection drive at your school, church, or civic organization!

Helpful Resources

Download resources to help you plan your pop tab drive!